RSA or HMAC? Part 2
This page offers a convenient way for you to interact with the "RSA or HMAC? Part 2" challenge functions. You can also use GET requests to send and receive data directly from the listed routes/endpoints if you wish. For more information see the FAQ.
Your aim is to recover the FLAG
value. Once you have have it, submit it on the Crypto On The Web challenge page.

import jwt # note this is the PyJWT module, not python-jwt
# Private key generated using: openssl genrsa -out rsa-or-hmac-2-private.pem 2048
with open('challenge_files/rsa-or-hmac-2-private.pem', 'rb') as f:
# Public key generated using: openssl rsa -RSAPublicKey_out -in rsa-or-hmac-2-private.pem -out rsa-or-hmac-2-public.pem
with open('challenge_files/rsa-or-hmac-2-public.pem', 'rb') as f:
FLAG = ?
def authorise(token):
decoded = jwt.decode(token, PUBLIC_KEY, algorithms=['HS256', 'RS256'])
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}
if "admin" in decoded and decoded["admin"]:
return {"response": f"Welcome admin, here is your flag: {FLAG}"}
elif "username" in decoded:
return {"response": f"Welcome {decoded['username']}"}
return {"error": "There is something wrong with your session, goodbye"}
def create_session(username):
encoded = jwt.encode({'username': username, 'admin': False}, PRIVATE_KEY, algorithm='RS256')
return {"session": encoded}